SDG2.5.2 Events for local farmers and food producers
NCUE organises courses and activities for local farmers and food producers to enhance communication and share knowledge about agricultural products and food production. NCUE also proposes projects and holds campus celebrations so local farmers and food producers can promote local agricultural products in bazaars. The events enable teachers, students, and residents to gain in-depth understanding of local agricultural products and interact professionally.
May 21, 2022 Fish-eating education course, understand the relationship between friendly farming fishery and environmental sustainability, and experience local farming of fish to make aquatic food
1. In the 50th anniversary year of the university in 2021, a "school bazaar" was organized, inviting local farmers to set up stalls and sell agricultural products such as coffee beans, rice, eggs, handmade vegetables, and creative potted plants.
Event website:,r93.php?Lang=zh-tw
"School Bazaar" organized for the 50th anniversary year of the University in 2021
2. At the invitation of Greenpeace, the World Meatless Day—School Vegan Food Truck event was held in 2021 to promote the concept of "replacing meat with vegetables" on campus; and to reduce carbon emissions by changing dietary habits to mitigate climate change. The goal of the event was reducing 2.4 kg of carbon emissions per person by participating in the activity of living one meat-free day. In total, 400 kg of carbon emissions were estimated to be reduced in two sessions.
Website of the event:
World Meatless Day 2021—Campus Vegan Food Truck Event