SDG8.3.1 Number of employees-2021
Number of employees
- The total number of active employees is 788 (including project assistants employed by research programmes).
- The personnel categories are as follows:
Category |
Teacher |
Civil servant |
Technician |
Personnel employed by the university endowment fund |
Project assistants employed by research programmes |
Number of people |
368 |
75 |
8 |
203 |
134 |
University expenditure
- The total annual expenditure was NTD 1,806,143,610 (according to the total amount of the final accounts in 2020).
- The main expenditure items are as follows:
Item |
Employment expenses |
Service charges |
Materials and supplies |
Rental and interest |
Depreciation, depletion, and amortisation |
Amount (NTD) |
837,389,748 |
519,169,713 |
96,117,427 |
9,889,644 |
221,171,956 |
Item |
Taxes and fees (compulsory fees) |
Membership fees, donations, grants, apportionment, and relief and exchange activities |
Deficit, compensation, and insurance payment |
Other |
Total |
Amount (NTD) |
1,834,319 |
112,006,404 |
734,272 |
7,830,127 |
1,806,143,610 |
For detailed expenditures, please refer to Annex 8.3.1A, Summary Table of Various Expenses of the University Endowment Fund of National Changhua University of Education.
Expenditure per employee
- According to the user's guide of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, when calculating the average expenditure standard of each employee by this index, the expenses of four categories of items, namely ‘rental and interest capital’, ‘depreciation, depletion, and amortisation’, ‘taxes and fees’, and ‘others’, should be deducted first, after which the expenditure should amount to NTD 240,726,046.
- Total expenditure cost: NTD 1,806,143,610 - NTD 240,726,046 = NTD 1,565,417,564.
- Average expenditure per employee: NTD 1,565,417,564/788 people = NTD 1,986,571.