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SDG 14.5.4 Collaboration for shared aquatic Ecosystems

NCUE has ongoing projects and activities, which include the “Beautiful and Treasured Clams in Fangyuan and Dacheng: Sustainable Industry and Environment Project of Changhua’s Two Cities Amid Climate Change”. Their brief descriptions follow.

"Sustainable Development and Practices of Coastal Biological Resources": The course includes a workshop on "The Use of Beneficial Bacteria in Aquaculture" and a class on "Aquaculture and Greenhouse Gases". Participants include students, faculty, local aquaculture professionals, and community groups, all working together to maintain the health and sustainability of local aquatic ecosystems.

2023/03 The course includes workshops where students, faculty, and aquaculture professionals learn together, focusing on promoting the use of beneficial bacteria to maintain good water quality and enhance the quality of aquatic products

Figure 1. 2023/03 The course includes workshops where students, faculty, and aquaculture professionals learn together, focusing on promoting the use of beneficial bacteria to maintain good water quality and enhance the quality of aquatic products

Aquaculture and Greenhouse Gases

Figure 2. 2023/04 The course on "Aquaculture and Greenhouse Gases" is designed to educate students, faculty, local aquaculture professionals, and community groups. It promotes environmentally friendly production strategies and aims to collectively maintain the health and sustainability of local aquatic ecosystems

Link to the FB page of the projects: https://www.facebook.com-/NCUEUSR/photos/?tab=album-&ref=page_internal

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