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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG11.4.8 Planning development - new build standards

1. Green buildings refer to construction technology that minimizes the consumption of resources and energy as well as waste production during the building’s life cycle, from the production of building materials to planning and design, construction, use, management, and demolition. Green buildings have nine indicators: greening volume, water resources, base water retention, biodiversity, daily energy saving, CO2 reduction, waste reduction, improvement of sewage and waste treatment, and an indoor environment.
2. In 2001, the Executive Yuan launched the “Green Building Promotion Program” and decided that from January 1, 2002, all new public buildings funded—or at least half-funded—by the Central government and with a construction cost of more than NT$ 50 million should first obtain a Green Building Candidate Certificate before applying for a construction license. Moreover, the buildings must meet the daily energy saving and water resource requirements. According to the comprehensive design of urban planning, new buildings should meet the requirements of greening volume and base water retention. Given that school buildings tend to have many users, they should also meet the requirement of improved sewage and waste treatment. The aforementioned five indicators are the foundational requirements that NCUE ensures when constructing new buildings. Depending on conditions, other requirements are also considered.
3. NCUE has actively abided by the government’s green building policy, and all new buildings constructed since 2003 have been planned and designed according to the government’s green building requirements. For example, the Main Teaching Building of Jinde Campus obtained a Green Building Candidate Certificate in 2006. Thereafter, other new buildings also obtained Green Building Labels, including the Teaching Building of BaoShan Campus, Wang Jin-pyng Activity Center, and Dormitory 10 of Baoshan Campus (see the table below).


Information on Green Building

Green Building

Certification number


Building Name

Main Teaching Building, Jinde Campus

Green Building Candidate Certificate No. (93)CGB355

Official Opening

Around 2006


Building Name

College of Engineering Building, Baoshan Campus

Green Building Label No. GB0100602

Official Opening

Around 2012


Building Name

Wang Jin-pyng Activity Center, Jinde Campus

Green Building Label No. GB-BC-01-00773

Official Opening

Around 2019


Building Name

Construction of new student dormitory, Baoshan Campus

Green Building Label No. GB-RS-01-00317

Official Opening

Around 2021

Jin-De Campus Teaching Building – candidate EEWH certification 
Jin-De Campus Teaching Building – candidate EEWH certification 
Bao-Shan Campus Teaching Building – EEWH certification
Bao-Shan Campus Teaching Building – EEWH certification
Jin-De Campus Activity Center – EEWH certification
Jin-De Campus Activity Center – EEWH certification
Bao-Shan Campus Student Dormitory – EEWH certification
Bao-Shan Campus Student Dormitory – EEWH certification


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