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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG11.4.7 Local authority collaboration regarding planning and development

1. To promote school affairs and international academic exchanges, NCUE provides accommodation services to foreign scholars visiting the University on business trips, for teaching and research activities, or exchange programs. Specifically, Rooms 1–8 of the Comprehensive Center Dormitory and Rooms 4–5 of Dormitory 10 are dedicated for this purpose. The fees are as follows:

1.1 The rooms in Comprehensive Center Dormitory charge NT$ 1,000 as cleaning fee per room per day.
1.2 The rooms in Dormitory 10 charge management fee of NT$ 3,000 per month per room and NT$ 6,000 per month if the guest rents the entire floor. Additionally, the guests are expected to pay for utilities (water, power, and gas). When a room is occupied by more than one guest during a month, the cost is shared by the guests based on the proportion of the days they stay to the total days in the given month.
1.3 The guest accommodation is of  high-quality and well equipped. The details can be found below:
Comprehensive Center Dormitory Introduction: 
Dormitory 10 Introduction: https://general2.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1019-14678.php

2. Additionally, the underground parking lot at Jinde Campus is also open to retired faculty and staff, as well as the local community and those not associated with the university. The parking space rented to local residents account for approximately 10% of the total parking space. As the campus is located in Fuxingli, residents of Fuxingli can avail a preferential monthly rental fee; however, there are limited quota available. This is seen as one of the advantages provided to residents living near the University. Additionally, the famous Baisha Lake, surrounded by landscaped gardens, and the sports field form a unique park, providing a good space for relaxation during public holidays.

3. The Central and local governments work together to provide social housing. Specifically, the government either directly builds or subsidizes privately owned housing that meets living standards to be given free or rented at a price lower than the market rate to low-income households or disadvantaged individuals. The Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior has identified the state-owned land in the Changhua urban area adjacent to the University to be used for social housing. It is expected that 0.5 hectares of land will be used to build 10-floor and two-basement buildings to accommodate 266 households. The project is expected to start in 2021 at the earliest and will be completed by 2023. These new residents will also be able to enjoy the discounted parking spaces and beautiful campus environment.

Landscaped Garden
Landscaped Garden

Baisha Lake
Baisha Lake

Landscaped Garden
Landscaped Garden

Sports Field
Sports Field

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