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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG11.4.2 Promote sustainable commuting

1. Provide a discounted parking lot and a shuttle bus service to and from the two campuses

1.1 Full-time faculty and staff can apply for regular parking for a preferential monthly fee to facilitate their commute to work.
1.2 The underground parking lot of Jinde Campus also offer a rental service of the parking spaces to the local community and other off-campus individuals. As the Campus is located in Fuxingli, the residents of Fuxingli are offered preferential monthly rental fees. However, because of limitation of parking space, limited quota are available.
1.3 Faculty, staff, and students who do not have a parking permit; part-time teachers, teachers from partner schools/universities, senior students returning for focus groups, alumni, and individuals who are invited to participate in conferences, seminars, competitions, and training classes, short-term training students; and individuals who hold a valid ticket for the swimming pool within a specified period can use the parking lot with for a 50% discount upon presenting their service card, identification card, meeting notice, or student (member) card.

Parking Lot
Parking Lot

1.4 The University provides transportation services to and from the two campuses each semester. Three surveys are conducted during the semester (prior to the start of each semester and at the beginning of the semester) to collect information on transportation needs, and the shuttle bus schedule is accordingly adjusted. The daily schedule is then fixed for students to go and return from campuses. The web links of announcements related to the transportation service are as follows:

Shuttle Bus between the Campuses
Shuttle Bus between the Campuses

1.5 In March 2022, Changhua Passenger Transport extended the route of Line 2A, which goes via Changhua Railway Station, to Baoshan Campus (the section between Jinde Campus and the railway station is free of charge) to facilitate the commute between the railway station and the two campuses.


1.6 Professor Chen Liangrui was appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology to conduct the project, “Field Research and Display of Multiple Microgrids in a High-concentration Photovoltaic Environment.” To provide resources for the project, a public bid was held in 2022. As the winner, Creative Tech Consultants, Inc purchased the electric bus for the University, which will be used for green energy experiments.

Electric Bus
Electric Bus



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