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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG11.4.1 Sustainable practices targets

Changhua Public Bicycle System
1. Establish a station for the Changhua Public Bicycle System
The main entrance of Jinde Campus has been rented to the Changhua County Government since June 28, 2014 as a public bicycle station. On January 6, 2021, the contract was renewed for the term January 7, 2021–December 31, 2023. In addition to providing convenient local transportation for staff and students, the project aims to encourage teachers and students to use public transportation, lower carbon emissions, and contribute toward environmental protection and energy saving.

2. Provide bicycle and motorcycle parking/storage facilities: The University has set up free bicycle and motorcycle parking sheds (stands), which can hold 1,722 bicycles and 3,849 motorcycles, on campus for teachers and students. 
Layout of the Bicycle Parking Area on Jinde Campus (orange blocks are bicycle stands and green blocks are bicycle parking areas)

Layout of the Motorcycle Parking Area on Jinde Campus (red blocks)

Bicycle Parking Area: Dormitory Zone

Bicycle Parking Area: Administration and Education Zone

Motorcycle Parking Area: Baoshan Campus

Along with the campus management, setting up charging stations for electric vehicles

3. Professor Chen Liangrui was appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology to conduct the project “Field Research and Display of Multiple Microgrids in a High-concentration Photo-voltaic Environment.” To provide resources for the project, a public bid was held in 2022. As the winner, Creative Tech Consultants, Inc purchased an electric bus for the University, which will be used for green energy experiments.
Electric Bus


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