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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG11.3.1 University expenditure

1. The University’s total expenditure in 2021 was NT$ 1,795,193,568—including NT$ 1,737,824,480 for business costs and expenses and NT$ 57,369,088 for non-business expenses.
University Information Disclosure
University Information Disclosure / 02 Financial Information Analysis / Annual Report
11.3.1A 2021 Annual Report: https://accounting.ncue.edu.tw/ezfiles/7/1007/img/31/151787189.pdf

2. In 2021, NCUE arts and heritage expenditure amounted to NT$ 2,051,525. Specifically, the costs of protecting tangible heritage—building maintenance—was NT$ 1,042,018, that of protecting intangible heritage—holding indigenous cultural activities—was NT$ 93,11, and the art expenditure was NT$ 916,394 (Tables 1 and 2). Moreover, to enhance the artistic image of public spaces, beautify the campus landscape, and bring art into public life, in 2021, NCUE set up new public art works on the Baoshan campus, with a total budget of NT$ 7.76 million. In July 2022, “Green Light Corridor: Walking in the Music of Life” was selected as the winner (please refer to Figure 1 for the design of the project). The project is expected to be completed in 2023 and the expenses (NT$ 7.76 million) will be included in the art expenditure report of 2023.
Table 1: Arts and Heritage Expenditure in 2021 and 2023





Protecting tangible heritage—building maintenance


Protecting intangible heritage—holding indigenous cultural activities


Art expenditure



Expenditure on public art works


Table 2: Details of Arts and Heritage Expenditures in 2021
Details of Arts and Heritage Expenditures in 2021

Design of “Green Light Corridor: Walking in the Music of Life”
(Figure 1) Design of “Green Light Corridor: Walking in the Music of Life”

3. In 2021, the Department of Fine Arts launched the “NCUE Campus Aesthetics Project.” The corresponding parties formed a committee to either purchase students’ works or obtain authorization for off-campus art works through solicitation activities and recommendations to display works of art in public spaces on campus. The goal is to introduce artistic energy into the university and create a diverse art appreciation environment. The total funding for the project from 2021 to 2023 is NT$ 300,000. In 2022, works of seven students were selected and purchased, and a total reward of NT$ 130,000 was given. Photos of a few works from the collection are presented below.
Collection Works No. 1: Taiwan
Collection Works No. 1: Taiwan
Collection Works No. 2: One Village, One Belief 
Collection Works No. 2: One Village, One Belief 
Collection Works No. 3: Completing in Silence
Collection Works No. 3: Completing in Silence

4. Between 1988 and 2016, the school has set up four large public art works. The photos below show the public art works currently on campus.
Chu Pan-hsiung: Self-Challenge
Chu Pan-hsiung: Self-Challenge
Kaoru Matsumoto: Cycle-90° “A Premonition of the Wind” IX
Kaoru Matsumoto: Cycle-90° “A Premonition of the Wind” IX
Kaoru Matsumoto: Cycle-90° “A Premonition of the Wind” X
Kaoru Matsumoto: Cycle-90° “A Premonition of the Wind” X

In 2021, the University planned the presentation of a new public artwork on the Baoshan campus (with a total budget of NT$ 7.76 million). In July 2022, the design of “Green Light Corridor: Walking in the Music of Life” was approved and the project is expected to be completed in 2023.
Design of “Green Light Corridor: Walking in the Music of Life”
Design of “Green Light Corridor: Walking in the Music of Life”

5. Heritage and Arts Related Activities Organized in 2021

5.1 Indigenous Student Resource Center: In 2021, to inherit and preserve the traditional culture of the indigenous people and enhance the awareness of teachers and students about the indigenous culture, the Center organized visits to the Namasial, Qingliu, and Bakei tribes, workshops on traditional skills, and “Atayal Songs and Dance: Learning and Performance” as well as a lecture, “Adju, Beauty in Tribes, Gender Issues of the Indigenous People in the Modern Era.”

5.1.1 Visiting the tribes
Visiting the tribes
5.1.2 Traditional Skills Workshop: Weaving
Traditional Skills Workshop: Weaving
5.1.3 Performance at “Atayal Songs and Dances: Learning and Performance”
Performance at “Atayal Songs and Dances: Learning and Performance”

5.2 Liberal Education Center: In 2021, the Center organized seven lectures and activities, offering participation to local residents free of charge. A few of the activities are presented below.

5.2.1 Liberal Arts Salon: Human Voice is the Show: https://ccource.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1032-18695.php
Liberal Arts Salon: Human Voice is the Show
5.2.2 “The Shining Music—String Quartet” performed by four musicians from the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra: https://ccource.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1032-18861.php
“The Shining Music—String Quartet” performed by four musicians from the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra
5.2.3 To promote “lessons on life” and present the expertise of corresponding lecturers, a “Tea Ceremony and Understanding Life” teacher-empowerment workshop was held, in the hope of conveying the truth about life through tea ceremony.
“Tea Ceremony and Understanding Life”

5.3 Department of Fine Arts: (1)  The Department has ample space and comprehensive facilities. In 2021, the Department held 19 exhibitions, all of which were open to visitors from the local commu-nity free of charge. A few of the exhibitions are presented below.

5.3.1 Zooming: Solo Exhibition of Our Alumnus Hao-Ning Chang.
Zooming: Solo Exhibition of Our Alumnus Hao-Ning Chang.
5.3.2 2021 Art New Voices: Hong Kong Exchange Exhibition
Art New Voices: Hong Kong Exchange Exhibition
5.3.3 2021 Art New Voice Exhibition
2021 Art New Voice Exhibition
5.3.4 Website of the exhibitions held by the Department of Fine Arts: https://artwww.ncue.edu.tw/  


5.4 Office of Academic Affairs: To attract students that might be interested in joining the clubs, various musical activities have been held annually. In 2021, the clubs gave four public performances. The Facebook pages of the clubs are as follows:
Baisha Wind Band Introduction 
Chorus in C-Major Introduction 

5.4.1 Performance in a park during the 2021 Chiayi City International Band Festival
Performance in a park during the 2021 Chiayi City International Band Festival
5.4.2 The Baisha Wind Band participated in the 2021 National Student Music Competition
The Baisha Wind Band participated in the 2021 National Student Music Competition
5.4.3 Chorus in C-Major’s End of Academic Year Presentation
Chorus in C-Major’s End of Academic Year Presentation

5.5 Department of Chinese: To enhance the cultural literacy of teachers and students, the Department of Chinese held six exhibitions in 2021, all of which were open to visitors from the local community free of charge. The photos below are from a few of the exhibitions. 

5.5.1 Exhibition theme: “My Father Was a Train Driver”
“My Father Was a Train Driver”
5.5.2 Exhibition theme: “On the Screen and Under the Lens: When Aperture Enters Our Life”
“On the Screen and Under the Lens: When Aperture Enters Our Life”
5.5.3 Exhibition theme: “More Color in Art”, 2020 Shu-Chih Fan Creation Exhibition
“More Color in Art”
5.5.4 Website of “Wandering Through the Arts” organized by the Department of Chinese in 2021 and 2022: http://chinese.ncue.edu.tw/zh_tw/plasy


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