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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG11.2.6 Record and preserve cultural heritage

In 2017, the University established the Indigenous Student Resource Center to effectively provide indigenous students with life assistance, including schoolwork and employment counseling, to support the development of diversity and the inherent wisdom and talent of indigenous groups. The Center has also collected information and performed data analysis on indigenous livelihoods and integrating livelihood resources to protect and document their cultural heritage. Each year, to ensure the inheritance and preservation of their traditional culture, as well as to enhance the awareness of teachers and students on indigenous culture, the Center holds corresponding cultural activities.

Indigenous Cultural Activities Organized in 2021



 # of Participants


Visiting the tribes: Namasial, Qingliu, and Bakei

3 sessions with a total of 63 participants


Traditional Skills Workshop

2 sessions with a total of 32 participants


Atayal Songs and Dance: Training and Performance

3 sessions with a total of 45 participants


Virtual Cultural Lecture: Adju, Beauty in Tribes, Gender Issues of Indigenous People in the Modern Era


1. Visiting the tribes: In 2021, the Center organized visits to the Namasial, Qingliu, and Bakei tribes to learn and promote the cultures of the Kanakanavu and Seediq indigenous people.

1.1 Visiting the Namasial Tribe
Visiting the Namasial Tribe

1.2 Visiting the Qingliu tribe
Visiting the Qingliu tribe

1.3 Visiting the Bakei tribe
Visiting the Bakei tribe

2. Traditional Skills Workshop: Promoting and preserving the traditional culture and arts of indigenous people.

2.1 Making ornamental beads with Job’s tears
Making ornamental beads with Job’s tears

2.2 Weaving workshop
Weaving workshop

3. Atayal songs and dances: Learning and performance

3.1 Photos of the students
Photos of the students

3.2 Indigenous performance at the Christmas party
Indigenous performance at the Christmas party

Corresponding website: Headline of the University News: Respect for Multiculturalism, the Indigenous Student Resource Center Held Indigenous Culture Day:


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