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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG11.2.5 Arts and heritage contribution

To convey the beauty of various art forms to the local community, each year NCUE organizes free musical activities, as well as art and literature lectures. In addition to attracting students who might be interested in joining the corresponding clubs, the community residents are also welcomed to participate in the grand event.
The Baisha Wind Band and Chorus in C-Major comprise music-loving students. These clubs provide learning and communication opportunities and activities, and are often invited to perform in various places as well as for friendly exchanges with other schools. The clubs have won several awards in various national competitions and play a significant role in many large events organized by the University.
In 2021, the Baisha Wind Band performed at the Chiayi City International Band Festival, contributing to local arts and cultural events. Additionally, they participated in a national music competition. The clubs regularly learn from other schools during their various exchange activities and have created a set of highlights of their performances. All these achievements have encouraged the growth of the clubs.

Public Performances by Students’ Clubs in 2021




# of Participants


Baisha Wind Band

2021 Chiayi City International Band Festival



Baisha Wind Band

2021 National Student Music Competition



Chorus in C-Major

End of Academic Year Presentation



Chorus in C-Major

2021 National Student Music Competition


Performance in the park at the 2021 Chiayi City International Band Festival
Performance in the park at the 2021 Chiayi City International Band Festival
The Baisha Wind Band participated in the 2021 National Student Music Competition
The Baisha Wind Band participated in the 2021 National Student Music Competition
Chorus in C-Major’s End of Academic Year Presentation
Chorus in C-Major’s End of Academic Year Presentation

Below are the links for the Facebook pages of the clubs.
Baisha Wind Band Introduction 
Chorus in C-Major Introduction 

NCUE’s Liberal Education Center organizes various art and literature lectures each year and local residents are welcomed to participate free of charge. In 2021, seven lectures and other activities were held by the Center.

Liberal Arts Education Lectures Organized in 2021

Liberal Arts Education Lectures Organized in 2021



# of Participants



Liberal Arts Salon: Human Voice is the Show




Liberal Arts Salon: Shapeshifting Fairy of the Taiwanese Opera—The Artistic Life of Hsiao-mi




The Shining Music—String Quartet




The 50th Anniversary of NCUE—“Xiangeng’s Elegant Music” Guqin Concert




Liberal Arts Salon: Impressing the World with Dance




Liberal Arts Salon: Shoot for Impact




Tea Ceremony and Understanding Life



A Liberal Arts Salon was held on Mar 11, 2021 and Ms. Kathryn Lin was invited to give her lecture “Human Voice Show”: https://ccource.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1032-18695.php
Photos from Ms. Kathryn Lin’s lecturePhotos from Ms. Kathryn Lin’s lecture
Photos from Ms. Kathryn Lin’s lecture

A Liberal Arts Salon was held on Mar 29, 2021 and Ms. Chen Feng-kuei (stage name: Hsiao-mi) was invited to present her lecture, “Shapeshifting Fairy of the Taiwanese Opera—The Artistic Life of Hsiao-mi”: https://ccource.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1032-18748.php
Photos from Ms. Hsiao-mi’s lecturePhotos from Ms. Hsiao-mi’s lecture
Photos from Ms. Hsiao-mi’s lecture

On May 3, 2021 the first concert, “The Shining Music—String Quartet,” was held in the Duright Auditorium at the Wang Jin-pyng Activity Center. Four musicians from the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra performed on stage: https://ccource.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1032-18861.php
Photos from the music exchange event, “The Shining Music—String Quartet”Photos from the music exchange event, “The Shining Music—String Quartet”
Photos from the music exchange event, “The Shining Music—String Quartet”

On Nov 9, 2021, to celebrate its 50th anniversary, the University invited the Xiangeng Guqin Society to hold a concert on “Xiangeng’s Elegant Music” Guqin Concert; Hsiao Tsung-huang, Deputy Minister of Culture, attended the event: https://ccource.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1032-19652.php
Photos from “Xiangeng’s Elegant Music” Guqin Concert.Photos from “Xiangeng’s Elegant Music” Guqin Concert.
Photos from “Xiangeng’s Elegant Music” Guqin Concert.

A Liberal Arts Salon was held on Nov 25, 2021; Ms. Chia-lin Kao was invited to give her lecture, “Impressing the World with Dance”: https://ccource.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1032-19802.php
Photos from Ms. Chia-lin Kao’s lecture.Photos from Ms. Chia-lin Kao’s lecture.
Photos from Ms. Chia-lin Kao’s lecture.

A Liberal Arts Salon was held on Dec 7, 2021, and movie director Mr. Jeng-Shiun Chen was invited to give his lecture, “Shoot for Impact”: https://ccource.ncue.edu.tw/files/13-1032-19795.php
Photos showing interaction between the lecturer and participants during the “Shoot for Impact” lecture.Photos showing interaction between the lecturer and participants during the “Shoot for Impact” lecture.
Photos showing interaction between the lecturer and participants during the “Shoot for Impact” lecture.

On Dec 22, 2021, to promote “lessons on life” and present the expertise of corresponding lecturers, the University held the “Tea Ceremony and Understanding Life” teacher-empowerment workshop, in the hope of conveying the truth about life through tea ceremony.
Photos showing teachers sharing in tea culture.Photos showing teachers sharing in tea culture.
Photos showing teachers sharing in tea culture.


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