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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG8.2.7 Tracking pay scale for gender equity

National Changhua University of Education (NCUE) has enacted explicitly fair and transparent policies and regulations for the promotion of faculty members and staff. Wage levels are determined based on the education level, work experience, and professional ability. There is no differential treatment based on gender or sexual orientation.
Employees’ salaries and remuneration belonging to different groups, namely faculty members, civil servants  of NCUE, and personnel employed by the university endowment fund, are combined, and the average male and female wages for each group are calculated. The results show that there is little difference in the average wages of males and females in each group; in fact, the average wages of female employees are 5,043 NTD higher than that of male employees. The details are as follows:

Teachers of NCUE

Average salary per person


Civil servants of NCUE

Average salary per person


Personnel employed by the university endowment fund

Average salary per person








NTD 113,395

NTD 111,291

NTD 63,265

NTD 68,308

NTD 36,076

NTD 37,906


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