SDG6.3.2 Preventing water system pollution.
1. The water supply and sewage pipe networks in NCUE are installed independently. The principles for the installation of water supply and sewage pipes, as stipulated by the Tai-wan Water Corporation, have been fully adhered to. Specifically, the sewage pipe network is installed at a greater depth than the water supply pipe network, thereby effectively preventing the contamination of the water supply system.
2. Drinking water for our staff and students is supplied through well-distributed public water dispensers. There are a total of 247 such dispensers, with 177 and 70 dispensers on the Jin-De and Bao-Shan Campus, respectively.
3. NCUE conducts water quality testing of the dispensers in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on the Use and Maintenance of Stationary Equipment Providing Continuous Supplies of Drinking Water. The manufacturer is commissioned to select 25% of all our water dispensers for inspection per quarter each year. Specifically, 60 dis-pensers are inspected per quarter (no repeated selection for inspection). The inspection item is the number of Escherichia coli colonies. The maximum limit of such colonies, as stipulated in the provisions of the Drinking Water Quality Standards issued by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, is 6 CFU per 100 ml. The amounts sampled from the campus water dispensers are less than 1 CFU per 100 ml, reflecting a 100% passing rate. This is far superior to the prescribed drinking water quality standards. Some examples of inspection reports on our water dispensers for 2021 are shown below:
Inspection report H-51930-01 for water dispensers on the Jin-De Campus
Inspection report H-51931-01 for water dispensers on the Bao-Shan Campus
4. For the full repo rts, please refer to Annex 6.3.2A-Inspection of water dispensers for 4Q2021 (Jin-De) and Annex 6.3.2B-Inspection of water dispensers for 4Q2021 (Bao-Shan).