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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG4.3.2 Public events (lifelong learning)

NCUE is the only national university in Changhua County. In addition to providing educational resources for faculty and students on campus, it regularly organizes public lectures and community education activities for the public. It organizes regular and irregular activities in which the community and the general public can participate in accordance with their own training and learning needs.
1. Regular Events:

1.1 Language courses: NCUE runs regular community promotion and education activities, and offers multi-language learning courses in the afternoon or evening from Mondays to Fridays in English, Japanese, Korean, French, Vietnamese, and German. Community residents can develop their second foreign language skills according to their learning interests. A total of 21 courses were held in 2021, with 2,592 hours. A total of 722 people completed the courses and acquired a second foreign language. https://lc.ncue.edu.tw/p/412-1013-890.php
Please refer to the attachment for the course list: 4.3.2A- community educational events (On programed basis-1)
1.2 Changhua County Senior College: To provide older residents in the community with opportunities to continue learning, our school has operated the Changhua County Senior College since 1995. During the daytime from Mondays to Fridays, we offer courses in language, calligraphy, art, and computer science to encourage citizens over the age of 55 in Changhua County to return to school to study and obtain opportunities for social interaction. We hold 2 sessions per year, each lasting 16 weeks. Owing to the rapid changes in information technology, we started to offer mobile phone usage classes so that the elderly can learn to operate mobile phones easily.
Although affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan in 2021, NCUE continued to formulate comprehensive disease prevention measures, and the operation of the Senior College continued. Although only 12 classes were offered and the operation lasted only a semester, 383 elderly people successfully graduated.
Please refer to the attachment for the course list: 4.3.2B- community educational events (On programed basis-2)
Community educational events-Senior College calligraphy class    
Community educational events-Mobile phone usage class
Community educational events-English for everyday life class    
Community educational events-Art class

1.3 Science FUN Day: To improve the scientific literacy of the citizens, cultivate a scientific attitude in their daily life, and simultaneously gain an understanding of the world’s cutting-edge scientific knowledge, NCUE holds the “Science FUN Day” once a year. Faculty members and students of the faculties of College of Science carefully design and arrange experiential activities in science, hoping that people can enjoy learning science and integrate logical thinking and a scientific attitude into their life. Every year, the “Science FUN Day” attracts many junior high school students, high school students, and members of the community to conduct DIY scientific experiments and experience the thrills of science. The laboratories of the departments of the Faculty of Science are also open to secondary school students so that they can have a taste of scientific research and gain more insights for planning their future in higher education.
New Changhua News’ report on 2021/11/09: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QdT0a_z6Q8
Community educational events-Science FUN Day

1.4 Cultivation of scientific research talents for high school students: Professor Lance Horng of NCUE’s Department of Physics implements the “Cultivation of Scientific Research Talents for High School Students’ Project (Physics Group)” on behalf of the Ministry of Education. The project, which has been conducted for more than 10 years, aims to cultivate high school students who are interested in and have a potential for physics. It trains students’ capabilities in thinking about physics, active learning, inquiry and practices, problem-solving, and independent research; strengthens students’ concepts in physics; guides them to gain experiences in physics research and experimental skills; and leads them to think independently. In 2021, the classes lasted for 276 hours, and 97 students were trained. http://phys5.ncue.edu.tw/gifted/index.htm
Hands-on experiment course

2. Public events-On programed basis

2.1 Public lecture activities: NCUE holds many lectures and activities every academic year, which are also open to the public. In 2021, we held at least 99 themed lectures for those not studying on campus.
Please refer to the attachment for the event list 4.3.1A-List of public lectures
2.2 Lifelong Learning Continuing Education Program: NCUE investigates the needs of students and the community, and organizes various types of promotional education courses from time to time, which offer the public to continue to develop their interests. These courses cover business operations, information technology, business management, marketing, and handicraft creation. 
During the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan in 2021, NCUE delivered continuing education courses through distance learning to help the community continue to study, and offered discounts to students in learning plans. In addition, for those who joined courses on campus, if they were unable to attend due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school provided instant remote learning for students, so that they could participate in the classes.
A total of 56 courses reaching 2,156.5 hours were held in 2021 and 1,401 participants completed them.

Please refer to the attachment for the course list: 4.3.2C- Community educational events (Ad hoc)
Community educational events-Hokkien certificate class    
Community educational events-Integrating picture books into teaching
Community educational events-Blending the flavor of essential oils ~ Workshop for Stress Relief in the Body and Mind    
Community educational events-Soul Pastel-Art Healing Workshop
Community educational events-Mind Map Application class    
Community educational events-Succulent Arrangement class

2.3 To practice University Social Responsibility (USR), NCUE integrates the professional knowledge, technology, and resources of its departments. It focuses on the needs or future visions of regional or local characteristic development, and hopes to strengthen local connections. The faculty promotes the innovation and development of local industrial settlements and community culture through a cross-disciplinary method, while integrating local government and industrial resources. NCUE concentrates on community needs and organizes environmental education, sports, health, and other educational activities. NCUE also pays attention to the healthy lives of older people. We use evenings or other times to conduct physical activity courses for the older adult community at our school. We hold muscle strength training and interesting physical fitness courses and offer mental health awareness services to promote their physical and mental health. A total of 72 events and courses were held in 2021, including 23 internal events, 43 external events, and 4 sessions of online remote courses, with 8,032 participants. Website of the USR project: https://usr.ncue.edu.tw/
NCUE Shetou Sock Project USR_Shetou Christmas Sock Festival https://www.ncue.edu.tw/p/404-1000-6292.php?Lang=zh-tw
For the course list, please refer to Appendix 4.3.2D - Community educational events (Ad hoc-USR)

2.4 Mei-chun Lydia Wen, professor of the Graduate Institute of Science Education, implemented projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and helped in-service teachers from three junior high schools to establish four communities of professional practice and develop cross-disciplinary courses. During the meetings of the communities, Prof. Wen led the secondary school teachers in conducting 25 sessions of class preparation and empowerment training. The developed courses are all cross-disciplinary and suit the schools’ style, and the themes are smog, campus plants, water resources, and the novel coronavirus. After the implementation of the courses, a review meeting is held to help the teachers reflect on their teaching and adjust the approach of the implementation, to facilitate sustainability in the future.
Prof. Wen led the secondary school teachers in conducting class preparation and empowerment training

2.5 Professor Liang-jui Chen of NCUE’s Department of Electrical Engineering implemented the Ministry of Education’s “Green Energy Technology Research and Education Program” to educate primary school students. Students learn Taiwan’s power generation structure from an early age, comprehend the structure and principles of the most advanced wind turbines in the world, and assemble models by hand to cultivate the ideas of carbon reduction and sustainable development.
Green Energy Technology Research and Education Workshop for Primary School Children-Experiencing Green Energy

2.6 Exhibitions: There are several exhibition spaces at NCUE, such as the Baisha Art Center and Art and Culture Corridor. From time to time, we invite artists from outside the university to put up various artworks. The exhibition spaces are also used to showcase the creative works of NCUE’s art students, and those of classes and teams. In 2021, they held 12 art and cultural exhibitions. In addition to the faculty and students, the general public can visit and explore the premises for free.
Please refer to the attachment for the course list: 4.3.2E- List of exhibitions

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