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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG1.3.3 Low-income student support Year: 2021

To support students from low-income households in finishing their studies, NCUE provides more support to students to increase their income and respect their equal rights to education. The measures include the following:

1.NCUE integrates resources to provide financial aid for food, accommodations, finances, and education, for a total annual subsidy of up to 2.9 million NTD.

The measures taken by NCUE’s Office of Student Affairs and Teaching Excellence Centre actively support students from low-income households and economically disadvantaged students to help them finish their university studies successfully. For example, the Office of Student Affairs provides scholarships and bursaries (the Flying Eagles Project and the Diligent Student Project) and free food (school meal coupons available upon application) to students from poor families. In 2021, a total of 2,963,350 NTD in subsidies was granted to poor students. For each student, the average subsidy for tuition and miscellaneous fees (including accommodations) was 25,000 NTD, the average scholarship was 14,000 NTD, and the average work–study subsidy was 24,000 NTD. To put this in perspective, students without economic difficulties pay a registration fee of 36,000 NTD every year. The subsidy for each economically disadvantaged student amounts to 175% of the fees paid by other students and helps them immensely. Please refer to Annex 1.3.3A1.3.3B for details.

2.NCUE implements various units’ assistance measures to help economically disadvantaged students move towards a better future.

NCUE’s various units provide other relevant assistance measures, including the following: project fund empowerment—Studying with Peace of Mind: Establishing Sustainable Special Funding for Education and Improving the Fundraising Management Mechanism; guidance and counselling—Provide Various Support on Daily Life; psychological counselling—Provide Relevant Counselling Resources and Establish a Case Management Tracking System; learning support—Provide Various Learning Guidance Resources; and career planning—To help students understand the professional competency of their majors, and their career interests. NCUE hopes that students from low-income families and economically disadvantaged students will realise their potential at NCUE to create a better future with them and fulfil its social responsibilities.


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