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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG8.5.1 Number of employees

Number of employees

  • The total number of active employees is 788 (including project assistants employed by research programmes).
  • The personnel categories are as follows:



 Civil servant 


 Personnel employed by the university endowment fund 

 Project assistants employed by research programmes 

Number of people







Number of employees on contracts of over 24 months

  1. There were 286 employees in 2020 (including public servants, technicians, and employees of the university endowment fund) who signed contracts of more than 24 months.
  2. In 2020, 332 teachers signed contracts of more than two years.
  3. Another 36 teachers had an employment term lasting than two years for the following reasons:
    3.1  Of these teachers, 25 were newly hired and had an extension of employment for the first time. According to Article 37 of the Act Governing the Appointment of Educators, the employment term is one year.
    3.2  Additionally, 11 teachers retired in 2020 and 2021, and the term of their extended employment was less than two years from the date of employment extension to the effective date of retirement.
  4. In summary, 618 faculty and staff members had signed a contract of more than 24 months.


Proportion of employees on secure contracts

  1. According to the user's guide of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, the ‘secure contracts’ referred to in this index mean contracts of more than 24 months.
  2. Proportion of employees who had signed a secure contract: (618 people/788 people) * 100 = 78.42%.


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