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NCUE_Logo  National Changhua University of Education Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 

SDG12.2.8 Minimisation policies extended to suppliers-2021

In contracts awarded by NCUE to vendors and contractors for outsourced works, the relevant specifications are included to comply with the regulations of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, and NCUE’s relevant minimisation policies. Vendors and contractors are required to comply with the ‘Waste Disposal Act and Enforcement Rules’ of the Environmental Protection Administration. They must adopt measures of minimisation, reuse, and recycling to reduce waste products and packages.

Please refer to appendix 12.2.8A- Waste Removal Act and 12.2.8B- Waste Removal Act Enforcement Rules.

For more details, please refer to the website for the regulation:




  • Annex 12.2.8A-Waste Removal Act
  • Annex 12.2.8B-Waste Removal Act Enforcement Rules

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