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SDG 8.2.2 Employment practice unions

NCUE recognizes and supports the union of all our faculties, staffs, and students. The implementations are as follows:

1. In compliance with the Labor Union Act and Civil Service Examinations Act, NCUE outlines relevant regulations and charters for holding meetings and setting up various committees. These measures ensure faculty members, staff, and students can express their opinion through multiple channels, either by joining relevant internal organizations or through democratically elected representatives.

2. There are 21 different meetings, committees, and other related organizations on campus. The functions and names of these organizations are as follows (see Table 1).

Table 1. The functional categories and names of NCUE’s organizations and committees

Names of organizations



The University Council

President, Vice President, heads of primary administrative units, deans of various colleges, representatives of department heads, faculty members, researchers, staff, and students.

The highest decision-making body of our school, which resolves significant administrative matters, includes:

1. Developmental plans and budgets for the school.

2. Resolutions regarding the school organizational regulations, various statutes, and key points."3.FModifications, and discontinuance of teaching units, affiliated institutions and facilities.

4. Academic affairs, student affairs, general affairs, academic research, and other important internal issues.

5. Discussion of key points concerning teaching evaluations.

6. Resolutions of committees or panels established by the University Council.

7. Important issues that need further discussion and decision after review by the administrative meeting.

8. Proposals made during meetings and by the President.

The Administrative Meeting

Organized by the heads of various administrative and academic units, the president of the student council, and the president of the graduate student council.

Discuss important administrative matters.

Administrative Meeting on Coordination

Organized by the President, Vice President, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of General Affairs, Dean of Research and Development, Dean of International Affairs, Dean of Library and Information Resources, Chief Secretary, Dean of the Continuing Education College, deans of various colleges, and some other unit heads.

Discuss matters related to administrative coordination.

Faculty Evaluation Committee

The Committee members shall consist of ex officio members as follows: Vice President, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of General Affairs, Dean of Research and Development, Dean of the Extension Division, Deans of each college, and one designated representative from among the full-time faculty in administrative units and research promotion units that have qualified staff, as appointed by the President. Additionally, there shall be 14 elected members in the college who are not concurrently holding administrative positions.

Review matters related to faculty appointments, terms of employment, promotions, suspensions, terminations, non-renewal of contracts, reasons for dismissal, research and further studies, sabbaticals, service extensions, and other issues concerning faculty members.

University Endowment Fund Management Committee

The committee consists of 7 to 15 members. The President, Vice President, Chief Secretary, Dean of General Affairs, Director of the Personnel Office, and Director of the Accounting Office are ex-officio members. The President serves as the convener, while the remaining members are selected by the President and appointed with the consent of the School Affairs Meeting. Among the committee members, there must be at least two student representatives and no fewer than one-third of the representatives must be faculties not holding administrative positions. If necessary, external experts may also be appointed.

Responsible for the management and utilization of the university's administrative fund, including income, expenditures, and custody.

Teacher Appeal Review Committee

The Committee shall consist of 13 to 15 members, composed of the following personnel: nine to ten representatives from the University’s faculty, one representative from a local teachers' organization, one scholar or expert, one socially just individual, one representative from the school. The number of non-administrative faculty representatives mentioned shall be no less than two-thirds of the total number of Committee members.

Review appeals concerning administrative actions against faculty members that they find objectionable.

Personnel Grievances Committee

The committee consists of 11 to 13 members, including3 to 4 staff from the university (including Rare Technician),4 contract employees,1 to 2 security guards or technicians, 3 members appointed by the President. Among the members appointed by the President, one must be a legal professional and one must be a faculty member not holding an administrative position at the university.".

University staff may file a complaint if they believe administrative actions or work conditions are illegal or harm their rights.

Student Grievances Committee

The committee includes: 4 administrative representatives: the Chief Secretary, Dean of General Affairs, Dean of Research and Development, and Director of the General Education Center. 2 faculty representatives from each college not holding administrative positions.1 representative each from the student council and the Graduate student council.

If the complainant is a student, their academic advisors and a representative from the department (or program) student association are considered committee members. If the complainant is from the student council or other related student autonomous organizations, their advisor and a representative from the student parliament are considered committee members.

Protect students' rights.

Gender Equity Education Committee

The committee consists of 15 members, with the President serving as the Chair. The ex-officio members include the Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, Director of the Student Counseling and Guidance Center, Director of the Faculty Development Center, and Chief Secretary. The remaining 9 members are elected according to election regulations, including 4 faculty members, 2 staff members, 2 student representatives, and 1 parent representative.

Promote gender equality education, establish a gender-discrimination-free educational environment, and prevent incidents of sexual assault or harassment, to achieve the goal of gender equality.

University Development Advisory Committee

As required for the university development s, a certain number of committee members will be appointed. The members are selected by the President from among various social figures and the positions are unpaid.

Provide consultation and assistance on university development.

University Development Committee

The committee consists of 23 to 29 members. In addition to the ex-officio members, including the President, Vice President, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of General Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Research and Development, Dean of International Affairs, Dean of Library and Information Resources, Chief Secretary, Director of the Personnel Office, Director of the Accounting Office, and the deans of various colleges, the remaining members are elected by representatives of the University Council from each college and are appointed by the President.

Promote the development of university, advance medium- and long-term development plans, and deliberate on major developmental issues.

International Cooperation and Exchange Committee

This committee is composed of the President, 2 Vice Presidents, Chief Secretary, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of International Affairs, and the deans of various colleges.

Promote international academic cooperation or exchange activities.

Faculty Evaluation Committee

The committee consists of 23 members, including the President, Vice Presidents, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of General Affairs, Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Research and Development, Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, Director of the Personnel Office, deans of various colleges, faculty representatives from each college, and one faculty representative each from administrative or research promotion units that include teachers or researchers.

To enhance the effectiveness of teaching, research, service, counseling, , and faculty evaluation matters.

Occupational Safety and Health Committee

The committee consists of several members, with the President serving as the Chair and the Director of the Environmental Safety Center serving as the Executive Secretary. The remaining members are appointed by the President and include heads of relevant units, Director of the Personnel Office, Director of the Accounting Office, campus safety personnel, health and safety management staff, technical staff, medical and nursing personnel, faculty members, and labor representatives.

To maintain the quality of the campus environment, prevent occupational hazards, and ensure the safety and health of faculty, staff, and students.

Student Affair Committee Meeting.

The committee consists of the Dean of Student Affairs, Director of the Counseling Center, Director of the Community Counseling and Potential Development Center, heads (or directors) of various units in the Student Affairs Office, the president of the student council, the president of the Graduate Student Association, the chair of the Student Parliament, and two presidents of departmental student associations as ex-officio members. Additionally, the President will appoint one faculty member from each college to the committee.

Deliberate on student affairs.

Academic Affairs Meeting

The meeting is organized by the Dean of Academic Affairs, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, heads of various teaching units, the Faculty Development Center, and the General Education Center.

Discuss academic affairs.

College Affairs Meeting

The meeting is composed of the heads of each teaching unit and full-time qualified faculty members at the rank of assistant professor and above (including project faculty).

Discuss research plans and other related matters of the teaching unit.

Faculty Evaluation Committee Meeting (college level)

The deans and heads of departments (or programs) are ex-officio members. The remaining members are elected by the departments (or programs) during departmental meetings, with representatives chosen from full-time qualified faculty members at the rank of assistant professor and above.

Review faculty appointments, terms of employment, promotions, suspensions, terminations, non-renewal of contracts, identification of reasons for dismissal, research and further studies, sabbaticals, and extension of service.

Departments Affairs Meeting

The committee is composed of the heads of each department (or institution, program, center) and full-time qualified faculty members at the rank of lecturer and above (including teaching assistants, military instructors, and project faculty). Additionally, several class representatives from each department are nominated to attend as observers.

Discuss teaching, research, and other matters of the unit.

Faculty Evaluation Committee Meeting (department/institution/center level)

The committee is organized by representatives elected from full-time qualified faculty members at the rank of assistant professor and above within the unit.

Review appointment, term of employment, promotion, suspension, termination, non-renewal of contracts, identification of reasons for dismissal, research and further studies, sabbaticals, and extension of service for faculty members of the department (or program, center).

Other Administrative Affair Meeting

The committee is organized by the heads of each unit and the leaders of the respective groups within the unit.

Discuss important matters of each unit.

3. Links to the relevant laws and regulations:

(1) Website for the Labour Union Act:


(2) Website for the Civil Servant Association Act:


(3) Website for NCUE’s organisational regulations:


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