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SDG 14.3.3 Maintain ecosystems and their biodiversity (direct work)

NCUE has held several planned activities to maintain and expand existing plant and animal ecosystems and their biodiversity, especially threatened ecosystems. NCUE includes the Environmental Education Centre’s “Fangyuan Reengineering USR Seed Programme”, “2020-2022 In-Depth Cultivation of Fangyuan, Working Hand in Hand with Dacheng: Industrial and Environmental Sustainability Plan of the Two Townships of Changhua County Project” and “24-, 33-, and 120-hour courses for certification of environmental education personnel”. They will be discussed in detail below:

1. Fangyuan Reengineering USR Seed Programme and 2020-2022 Sprouting Programme for In-Depth Cultivation of Fangyuan, Working Hand in Hand with Dacheng: Industrial and Environmental Sustainability Plan of the Two Townships of Changhua County Project:

This includes the following research projects: In collaboration with the Changhua Aquaculture Association, we will screen the heat-resistant and beneficial bacteria Bdellovibrionaceae in Taiwan’s coastal areas, and screen for common vibrio, including Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio vulnificus, which can control and inhibit the most common human and marine organisms and aquaculture in Taiwan’s coastal areas, related event photos as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Bdellovibrionaceae were collected in field water for heat-resistant strain screening. Six people participated in the activity

Figure 1. Bdellovibrionaceae were collected in field water for heat-resistant strain screening. Six people participated in the activity

Programme activities FB fan page link: https://www.facebook.com-/NCUEUSR/photos/?tab=al-bum&ref=page_internal.

2. 24-, 33-, hour courses for certification of environmental education personnel:

The Environmental Education Center (EEC) nurtures relevant environmental education talents and, in conjunction with the project “In-Depth Cultivation of Fangyuan, Working Hand in Hand with Dacheng: Industrial and Environmental Sustainability Plan of the Two Townships of Changhua County” project, provided relevant education courses for the local and nationwide communities from July to August 2022, with the details as shown in Table 1 and the activities as shown in Figures 2-3:

Table 1: Environmental education program activities

Educational activities


Number of students

Environmental Educator 24-hour Certification - Dacheng Junior High School Class

August 2022


Environmental Educator 33-hour Certification Class

July 2022


Forty educators were trained in environmental education and freshwater ecosystem maintenance.

Figure 2. Environmental Educator Certification for  Dacheng Junior High School Class

Figure 2. Environmental Educator Certification for

Dacheng Junior High School Class

Figure 3. In-class learning of the Environmental Educator  Certification 33-hour Class

Figure 3. In-class learning of the Environmental Educator

Certification 33-hour Class

Links to course video information:




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