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SDG 2.5.2 Events for local farmers and food producers

NCUE organises courses and activities for local farmers and food producers to enhance communication and share knowledge about agricultural products and food production. NCUE also proposes projects and holds campus celebrations so local farmers and food producers can promote local agricultural products in bazaars. The events enable teachers, students, and residents to gain in-depth understanding of local agricultural products and interact professional, such as fisheries education courses. Please refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1. May 21, 2022 The fish-eating education course. Attendees learned to understand the relationship between friendly farming fishery and environmental sustainability, and experienced local farming of fish to make aquatic food

Figure 1. May 21, 2022 The fish-eating education course. Attendees learned to understand the relationship between friendly farming fishery and environmental sustainability, and experienced local farming of fish to make aquatic food

1. Vegetarian Food Exhibition on Campus Organized by Bliss & Wisdom Youth Club

Through various activities such as challenges, Bliss & Wisdom Youth Club offered vegetarian burgers and informative lectures. This allows faculty members and students who participated to develop a sound understanding of proper dietary concepts, embrace diets that are beneficial to the general public, gain insights into the impact of meat-based diets on global rainforests, ecological environments, and the planet as a whole. Furthermore, these activities inspire participants to care for life and take practical actions to create a sustainable environment for humanity. Please refer to Figure 2 for event photos. Event Website: https://www.facebook.com/ncuebwy/?locale=zh_TW.

Figure 2. General lecture on campus vegetarian food exhibition on October 19, 2022.

Figure 2. General lecture on campus vegetarian food exhibition on October 19, 2022.

2. General Education Lecture Organized by the Student Association – Building a Green and Environmentally Friendly Earth Through Diet.

NCUE holds general education lecture to advocate for ideas such as a nutritious vegetarian diet and reduced plastic usage within the campus community, disseminating accurate dietary insights and healthy lifestyle practices to all members of the school, cultivating genuine care for people and the environment, and nurturing a sense of appreciation for our daily sustenance. Please refer to Figure 3 for event photos.

Figure 3. 2022 Student Union General Lecture Course: Building a Green and Sustainable Earth Through Diet

Figure 3. 2022 Student Union General Lecture Course: Building a Green and Sustainable Earth Through Diet

3. Through the required general education course “Exploration, Development, and Practice of Life”, NCUE collaborated with a food bank to organize volunteer activities. Students were guided through the activities, which included providing explanations about the importance of food and related knowledge. The volunteer activities encompassed the repackaging of supplies, enabling students to empathize with the feelings experienced by disadvantaged children upon receiving gifts. This fosters a sense of social responsibility among students, encourages contemplation regarding Earth’s ecological progress, and deepens their comprehension of the significance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in shaping humanity’s future.

(1)On March 20, 2023, 35 faculty members and students lead by the Department of Finance participated in the volunteer activity at the Andrew Charity Association. Please refer to Figure 4 for event photos. Event Website: https://reurl.cc/ZWzXzl.

Figure 4. March 20, 2023, General Education course, assisting in food distribution and packaging, understanding the importance of food

Figure 4. March 20, 2023, General Education course, assisting in food distribution and packaging, understanding the importance of food

(2)On May 9, 2023, 17 students led by the Department of Fine Arts participated in the volunteer activity at the Andrew Charity Association. Please refer to Figure 5 for event photos.

Figure 5. May 9, 2023, General Education course, participating in actual material packaging, guiding students to contemplate the importance of service learning

Figure 5. May 9, 2023, General Education course, participating in actual material packaging, guiding students to contemplate the importance of service learning

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